Revising for your Theory Test: Dyslexia

If you have dyslexia, revising for your Theory Test can be a struggle. 

We’ve written this smart guide for anybody who has dyslexia or dyspraxia who wants to revise for and pass, their Driving Theory Test. You can do it! Every year people with dyslexia successfully revise for and pass, their Theory Test. Some of those may not have found it easy to do but have been able to do it.

Make sure you adopt a can-do attitude. Just because something may be difficult it certainly does not mean it’s impossible. Having dyslexia can mean you simply use a different technique of learning than others do.

Revising for your Theory Test with dyslexia

The advice we give to all learners is to not punish yourself with revision!

Simply put, there is no need to spend hours non-stop revising. In fact, doing this will make things more difficult for you.

First of all, you need to decide on which revision tools you use. We strongly advise that you do not revise for your test using a book.

At Driving Test Success, our Anytime online training has voice-overs that will read the questions and answers as well as the explanations to each question.

Using software is more interactive and enjoyable for anybody to use. Check out our variety of products that have voice-overs.

Once you have your software we recommend that you give yourself 6 weeks to revise before your Theory Test. This gives you time to carefully start preparing for it.

As well as this we recommend that you keep revision sessions short; no longer than 20 minutes (unless doing a full mock test) but regular. So for example, spending 10 minutes per session three times a day.

You can also read questions yourself out loud and read the answers out loud too. This helps you process the information on the screen from letters and words to verbal information.

Keeping a track of your progress is really simple with any of our products. Make sure you check in on how well you are doing as this will help motivate you.

We’ve introduced two new features within our apps, to really help people who struggle with dyslexia and reading difficulties to make their learning much easier.

These are our personalisation and voiceover features as detailed below.

Personalisation for people with dyslexia

If you struggle with dyslexia and reading difficulties, we’ve carefully handpicked four colours recommended by the British Dyslexia Associations.

These four colours have been selected to help you read large amounts of text easier and clearer.

You can fully customise the Theory Test section of the app to suit your personal preference, so you can work your way through all personalisation colours to see which colour best helps you read and understand the theory questions.

This selection can be made an unlimited amount of times to make sure you get the best fit, for the way you want to learn.


Brand NEW English voiceover is included to read aloud ALL Theory Test revision questions, explanations and answers, to help users with reading difficulties or dyslexia.

Replay the English voiceover as many times as needed to fully understand and digest each test question.

Booking Your Theory Test

Before you book your test you need to decide what concessions you can have and what you need.

Concessions are simple measures that can be taken to help alleviate some of the issues that dyslexia sufferers face. The concessions that you could be eligible for include:

  • Doing the Theory Test in a separate room
  • Having somebody read the questions to you
  • Having somebody who records your answers
  • Extra time

In order to receive any of these concessions, you must have a letter from either your GP or a tutor at college. This letter must detail what concessions you will need and on what grounds.

Once you have this letter you will need to contact the DVSA via:

DVSA Theory Test enquiries:

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 0300 200 1188 Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 4 pm

The DVSA will provide you with a contact email or postal address for you to send your letter to. Once the DVSA have received your letter they will send you confirmation in the post detailing what concessions you will have and what to do next to book your Theory Test.

Preparing For Your Driving Theory Test

  • On the day before your test avoid sugary and caffeine-heavy drinks and food.
  • Do a few mock tests during the day to help refresh your memory.
  • Make sure you get a good night’s sleep.

Doing all three of these things will help ensure that you are more relaxed and confident to do your test.

Remember to arrive at the test centre with plenty of time to spare!

Check out our guide to what happens on the day of your Theory Test for more information.

Once you start your test, it’s really important that you take your time and read every question at least twice. Think carefully through each question and do not be afraid to flag questions to come back to at the end.

Let us know how you get on!

If you’re determined to pass the Theory Test first time, then using the award-winning Driving Theory Test 4 in 1 App is a perfect solution; it even contains the full Highway Code, a quiz, progress monitor and much more for only £4.99!

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