Smash your Theory Test with our top tips!

Any exam preparation might seem overwhelming initially; you might feel tempted to put it off or do something else.

However, by breaking down your revision, and looking at it in a more positive mindset, you might find it not to be as bad as it seems…

We have something for everyone in the tips below, but if you have any of your own tips or advice, please feel free to let us know at [email protected].

Sharing is caring and your tip could be the difference between someone passing and failing their Theory Test!

Let’s go…

Say it out loud.

Speaking aloud has been known to enhance memory performance. If you think about it, you probably remember more past conversations you’ve had than thoughts you’ve thought, right?

So, be smart and apply this to your revision. If memory is enhanced with a conversation, why not recite your revision with friends and family? Or, when you are next in the car with a family member, get them to ask you what each road sign means. This way not only can you remember the conversation you both had, but you will also be able to picture that road sign too. It’s a win-win!

Make notes. 

Whilst the revision we provide is on a mobile device, for some, it helps physically write the information down themselves.

A University study proved that handwritten notes can help you to absorb more information, enabling you to extract key takeaways and recall the information later on.

If you struggle with a particular question whilst you are doing a mock test on our app, write the question down. Create a list of all the questions you find tricky and repeat. Write these over and over and believe us, it will sink in eventually!

Take breaks! 

Yes, you read that right. Whilst this may seem counter-intuitive, it is actually proven that taking breaks can make you more productive.

Learning in short bursts over a longer time frame encourages your brain to retain that information, as it is encountering it regularly.

We recommend 30 minutes to one hour of revision a day, over a two/three month period. However you choose to split that up over the day is completely up to you, but try not to do it all in one sitting.*

Leave yourself plenty of time to revise; no one performs to their best capability under pressure!


The 4 in 1 app offers unlimited Theory Mock Tests, so use them! Take full advantage of the endless supply of revision material and get to know the questions.

There are over 700 potential questions that can come up in your test and you need to get to know each and every single one to have a good chance of passing.

With the choice of a quick 10 questions round or full 50-question mock tests, you can tailor your revision to how much spare time you have; giving you complete flexibility.

Don’t forget to head to your settings in your 4 in 1 app and select ‘questions not yet seen’ and ‘questions previously answered incorrectly’ to make sure you’ve seen every question and to also nail the ones that you are getting wrong.

Cover yourself… 

Would a structured learning plan motivate you to revise? If you’re nodding then you’re going to want to hear about our Pass Guarantee!

The Learner Plan forms the framework of our Pass Guarantee scheme. This structured plan is made up of individual goals that have been designed to pull together all of the essential Theory Test revision topics. If followed and completed step by step, you are guaranteed to strike a pass. We are so confident it works that if you go on to fail your test, we will refund you your test fee!

Look after yourself.

Sleep has a serious impact on how well you retain information that day. There is a known link between REM sleep, Slow Wave Sleep and the development of memory; so if you are sleep deprived, your memory may be adversely affected.

As tempting as cramming your revision well into the early hours of the morning may seem, it could just be a waste of time if the thing you’re sacrificing is sleep.

How you choose to spend your time when you are not learning is just as crucial as your revision methods.

We hope these tips help you power through your revision! But, if we have missed anything that helped you smash your Theory Test and would like to share it with the learner community, please get in touch.

*This varied from learner to learner. It is not a direct target as every learner is different.

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