When was the last time you checked your car?

Did you know that Saturday 9th July is the RAC’s National Check Your Car Day?

This new national day is to get drivers across the UK into the habit of checking their cars more regularly!

As many of us will be out and about more in the summer months, it is very important that you follow certain checks to avoid any unwanted breakdowns.

A recent report revealed that a mere 19% of drivers claimed that they always check their cars are ‘road ready’ when making a trip. 51% said they sometimes check over before driving, but a worrying 30% of drivers admitted to never checking.

Which driver are you?

We aren’t talking about a full trip to the garage of course! All we ask is that you remember the acronym FORCES.

Fuel – It sounds obvious but make sure you have enough fuel for your trip. You’d be surprised at how many people run out.

Oil – One in three cars have dangerously low oil levels! This can cause a breakdown and even engine damage if left for too long.

Rubber – Check wiper blades and your tyres regularly. For your tyres, look for general wear and tear, splits and most importantly, tread depth. The minimum tread level is 1.6mm, although in the winter months it is advised to have 3mm to help with traction and grip. Don’t forget about tyre pressure too!

Coolant – Always check your coolant levels! The last thing you need is a frozen engine or an overheated car. Please only check once your car is cool.

Electrics – There are plenty of electrics to check, including headlights and fog lights to your battery. Have someone walk around your car to make sure the lights are on. If your engine struggles to start, get it checked out at a garage. Batteries over 4 years old are renowned for being a little more unreliable, so it is always best to get them checked out if you are worried.

Screenwash – Under your bonnet, you can see how much screenwash you have. If you are running low, you can pick some up from most petrol stations. No matter what season, screenwash is really important, anything can smear your windowscreen preventing clear vision, a risk not worth taking!

The same report disclosed the two biggest breakdown reasons are batteries and tyres; two things that could have been prevented by just looking after your vehicle.

By checking your car today, you are helping keep your car road safe, proving to others that it can be a quick and easy summer task that doesn’t need to be put off any longer. If you do have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us!

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